November 2017 Enews

Kenya is a country undergoing political turmoil which is affecting its economy and stability. In the midst of the challenges the Neighbours Aid funded project in Kitale continues to change lives and give a future and a hope to some of the country’s poorest people. At present 315 children are enrolled in Hope Academy Primary school, 85 children attend kindergarten and prepaid 18 are sitting for the year 8 exams which will provide entrance into high school. The children enjoy music, drama and sport. In typical Kenyan fashion the students attend from 7.30am to 5.30pm, receiving 2 meals during the day, for some the only meals they will receive in their poor families. Several past students have graduated with Joseph now in second year teacher training college. Joseph spends his holidays volunteering at the school. Sharon has completed electrical engineering and one of our boys has started his own construction company after completing diplomas in building.

Stephen joined Kitale Family House of Hope as a ten year old in 2009 after both parents died. His poor very old grandparents were unable to care for him. This year Stephen is sitting for his year 8 exams hoping to continue on to high school. He is a very bright, cheerful boy and a leader in the Home. Recently it was discovered that Stephen is hearing impaired. We are organising for Stephen to get hearing aids fitted. If you would like to contribute, please donate to J396 – Stephens hearing aids.

Each year we give the opportunity for our supporters to add Neighbours Aid children to your Christmas list as we prepare to give the children a party and a gift. You can contribute to India (J770 or J874), Malawi (J395) or Kenya (J396). Here are some suggestions:

A new outfit $25
School resources $20

Christmas party $15

Malawi, Fiji, India, Israel & Kenya
Neighbours Aid continues to fulfill our vision to change the world one child at a time. We invite you to partner with us.

  • Sponsor a child
  • Donate good quality items for sale.
  • Become a volunteer.
  • Shop at one of our stores.

Visit our website for more information or call Head Office on 07 54762383

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