Neighbours Aid team members John and Jesma O’Hara, Gus Peni-Hudson and Rufus Samuel have just returned from monitoring visits to our projects in Malawi and Kenya.

Neighbours Aid has been funding projects since 2005 when the O’Hara’s first visited those countries and were impacted by the poverty and needs of the young people. Since that first visit, schools, vocational training, medical clinics and village health initiatives, as well as sustainable farming projects have been established.

Of particular concern to us are the huge numbers of teen pregnancies. Sub-Saharan Africa continues to experience twice the global average of births among young girls aged between 10 and 19. School closures during the COVID pandemic exacerbated the problem with many child marriages occurring during that time. Our partners work with government agencies encouraging the young mums to continue their education, while their babies are cared for during school hours.
After 18 years in Africa, it is encouraging to see that many of those who were babies and small children when we first began, are now enrolled in universities and technical colleges and are emerging as the next generation of leaders
To live our lives and miss the great purpose we were designed to accomplish is truly a sin. It is inconceivable that we could be bored in a world with so much wrong to tackle, so much ignorance to reach and so much misery we could alleviate.
William Wilberforce