Neighbours Aid E News November 2020

Christmas is coming








Christmas 2020 comes at the end of a challenging year for many people around the world. Those trapped in the poverty cycle have suffered particularly badly. Throughout Africa, along with the COVID-19 pandemic and enforced lockdowns lasting 7 months, there has been an epidemic of teen pregnancies. Along with the stigma of being single, alone and pregnant, thousands of young girls and their babies are facing a lifetime of poverty unless they receive help.

Our partners in Malawi and Kenya have been working with government agencies giving these girls the opportunity to continue with their education and vocational training while their babies are cared for. The girls and their little ones stay in our safe hostels, receiving love and practical support through what can be a very frightening time in their young lives. The girls often come with nothing and there is a continuing need for supplies for them and their babies.

This Christmas, as you make out your gift list, would you consider adding the cost of an item for our Bundles for Babies Christmas Campaign. We are unable to visit our projects at the moment but we can send funds which will be spent on baby items. The funds we send also benefit family owned local businesses that are struggling right now. If you would like to add an African baby to your Christmas shopping list please click on the link below to make a tax deductible donation.

Evidence has mounted that helping women can be a successful poverty-fighting strategy anywhere in the world… Investment in girl’s education may well be the highest return investment available in the developing world…The question is not whether countries can afford this investment, but whether countries can afford not to educate girls. (Half the Sky – How to Change the World; Kristof & Wudunn).

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