Welcoming Our New Team Member
The Neighbours Aid family continues to grow. This month we welcome Mel Gunn, our new Morayfield Manager. Mel is settling in after replacing our wonderful Leona Burnett, who has moved to Canberra with her family. We are sad to see Leona go but excited to welcome Mel who is supported by a fantastic team of volunteers.
Neighbours Aid is Coming to Hervey Bay
Time never stands still and neither does Neighbours Aid. We are excited to announce the opening of our next store in Main Street Pialba on August 2. Ex Nambour manager Luke has been busy preparing the shop for opening. We are looking for a great team of volunteers to join the new manager and become part of the Neighbours Aid story.
A Story from Orr Shalom, One of Our Israeli Partners
Please meet O: She was born to a mother who was working as a prostitute, and her father is unknown. At a very young age she was removed from her mother’s care and sent into foster care. Unfortunately her foster family (who had two biological children of their own), couldn’t continue to care for her as they were unable to handle her very strong emotional outbursts and disruptive behaviour. She was sent to boarding school but was unable to thrive there and after one very bad incident of self-harm, was sent to a psychiatric ward. She was sent to Beit Goldschmidt one year ago and while she still struggles with emotional regulation she is making good progress.
“Use your time well. Life is short, too short to waste on idle gossip, or envying others for what they have, too short for anger and indignation, too short to waste on criticizing others. Any day on which you have done some good to someone has not been wasted.”
– Jonathan Sacks