A New Year!
New Opportunities to Change the World!
2020 was a challenging year but with your help, Neighbours Aid was able to continue supporting some of the world’s neediest children and their communities through the provision of education, vocational training and healthcare.
As we begin a new year full of new opportunities, our goal is to touch more lives, changing our world one life at a time. We invite you to support us through:
- Volunteering at one of our stores. See details of locations below.
- Donating good quality items for sale.
- Making a financial donation or sponsoring a child in Malawi, Kenya or India.
- Sponsoring a student at our Indian Nursing College.
- Praying for us. Email our office if you would like to receive our monthly prayer letter.
- Email our office if you would like to receive our monthly e news letter.
“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”
– Ghandi