February 2018 Enews


 Goodbye Paul, Welcome Bruce.

After 10 years our hard working Nambour Warehouse Manager Paul Hinson is leaving us. Paul has been an amazing blessing to us here at Neighbours Aid and is a much loved member of our NACS family. Paul, we wish you every success as you step out into this next season of your life.

Introducing our new Warehouse Manager Bruce Hosking. Bruce has been a volunteer with us for a number of years so already feels part of the NACS family.

Goodbye Elaine – This month we are also saying goodbye to Lawnton manager Elaine Hajiali (Below left). Elaine has been a much appreciated and loved manager at NACS Lawnton and we will miss her. The NACS family wishes her and Alex well as they journey together into a bright future.

Stephanie Fox (Above right) commenced her relationship with NACS as a assistant manager for Elaine last year. We welcome Stephanie as she takes over as manager of the Lawnton Store and we know the store will continue to do well as she works with Lawnton’s amazing team of volunteers.

A common experience when working at NACS store is to be asked – “What does Neighbours Aid do?” This happened recently at our Gympie store when a couple dropped off some donations. Our manager Debbie’s husband John writes, “I started to detail some of the overseas projects in India and Africa but my best efforts were met with blank, disinterested looks. Changing course to what we do in Australia, I outlined how we support indigenous students in a small school in the Gulf region of northern Queensland. This was promptly met with the comment, ‘Aboriginals already get more support than they should!’ I was now at a loss as to what to say to leave this couple with a positive impression of NACS. Right at this moment, a young Work for the Dole volunteer emerged from the door of our warehouse saying,’ I will tell you what Neighbours Aid does – they give people like me a chance to start to sort out their lives.’ He then outlined his rich history of drug addiction, lack of employment, the skills he was learning by volunteering here, the impending birth of his child, how a reference from the NACS manager saved him from a jail term, and the steps he was taking to clean up his life. The couple were captivated by his story and engaged in conversation with him for quite some time. All that was left for me to say was, ‘ and that is what we do!’ It was a lesson to me that what we do in our stores every day is just as significant as the projects we support; that we are making a real contribution to our local communities and impacting lives in so many ways just by the way we work together and support each other.”
Malawi, Fiji, India, Israel & Kenya
Neighbours Aid continues to fulfill our vision to change the world one child at a time. We invite you to partner with us.

  • Sponsor a child
  • Donate good quality items for sale.
  • Become a volunteer.
  • Shop at one of our stores.

Visit our website www.neighboursaid.org for more information or call Head Office on 07 54762383

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