NACS Enews October 2017

Come and join us at our new Gympie store. We will have great bargains and lots of new stock all week. Manager Debbie would love to see you and if you have a few hours to spare each week you can become part of the NACS team changing lives in Malawi, Kenya, India, Israel and Fiji.

NACS FIJI recently visited Veilomani (Love) Boys Home with gifts of food, clothes and toiletries. The home cares for boys from abusive and broken homes, providing them with loving support, counselling and tutoring programs.

NACS currently supports two programs helping Israeli young people.
Keren Shva offers tutoring programs to young Jewish Ethiopian students who are struggling with their schooling. Tutors visit the students homes each week, offering not only academic support, but also connecting their parents to the other support programs on offer at the centre.

You can help us do more to bring positive change and hope to these young lives by making a tax deductible donation to Keren Shva (BO55) or Beit Goldschmidt (BO56).  We are unable to show photos of the children benefiting from these programs due to Israeli laws protecting the identity of the children.

Malawi, Fiji, India, Israel & Kenya
Neighbours Aid continues to fulfill our vision to change the world one child at a time. We invite you to partner with us.

  • Sponsor a child
  • Donate good quality items for sale.
  • Become a volunteer.
  • Shop at one of our stores.

Visit our website for more information or call Head Office on 07 54762383


“When, out there, there is despair, let us bring hope. When, out there, there is hurt, let us heal. And when, out there, there is division, let us show we are enlarged and not diminished by our differences.” Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.


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