NACS E News 1st November 2016

As the weather warms up and we take advantage of our beautiful beaches, our thoughts begin to turn to summer holidays, family get-togethers and gift giving.


In the countries where Neighbours Aid works, the people continue to worry about whether the rains will come so they can feed their families, whether Neighbours Aid will continue to help them feed and educate their children, and whether they can get medical help when their little ones come down with malaria or water-born diseases.  There is no money for gifts or holidays.

At this time of year, as we reflect on God’s greatest gift of love, who came to earth as a tiny baby, Neighbours Aid is reaching out to remind our large world- wide family in disadvantaged communities in Malawi, Kenya, Kolkata and Vijayawada that they are loved and are not alone.

Our in country partners aim to make this a special time of year for the communities they are working in. Below is a list of ways you can help them remind the children that God loves and cares for them. Please consider adding a gift for a Neighbours Aid child to your gift list this year.  Click here to start your Christmas Giving.

 From one of the women who are part of a women’s co-op in Kenya in answer to the questions, “What are your goals for your community and your hopes for your family…

“We shall have reduced dependency and people whose life and standard of living will have improved so they are able to have at least a meal or more on their table.”

“My hope is that my little family will be able to support ourselves.”

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions and the roots spring up and make new trees.” Amelia Earhart.

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Happy Birthday Lawnton and Nambour!
This Saturday the 5th of November marks Lawnton Stores 6th Birthday and we are celebrating with a Sausage Sizzle and heaps of sale items in store.  Come on in and celebrate. 5/690 Gympie Road, Lawnton
Friday the 18th of November is our flagship stores 14th Birthday in Nambour. The team will be celebrating with great bargains throughout the store and a Sausage Sizzle.  99 Howard Street, Nambour


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