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E News May 2023 – National Volunteers Week

Volunteer - Volunteering early in life teaches valuable skills that can set young people up for success.

National Volunteers Week

May 15th - 21st!

At Neighbours Aid we love the opportunities we get every day to encourage our volunteers!

Volunteer - Volunteering early in life teaches valuable skills that can set young people up for success.

Volunteer Stories

One of our managers recently told these stories:

“In August of last year I received an application from a 15-year-old. During the initial meeting and induction, she couldn’t make eye contact and when asked a question her response was barely audible. Fast forward 8 months and she is confident on the register and engages with our customers. This week she had her first trial for paid employment. Can’t wait to hear the outcome!”

“Some time back the 12-year-old grandson of one of my team began coming in to help during school holidays. This resulted in him becoming a volunteer after paperwork was completed. We have been told this young man has gone from not wanting to do his hair and teeth to jumping out of bed, doing his teeth and asking to get his hair cut. His nan and mother can’t believe the positive change in him. We just love having him work with us during the school holidays!”


  • 75.5% (or 3 million) of Queensland’s adult population volunteers in some capacity.
  • These amazing people contribute 900 million hours through their efforts.
  • This commitment contributes $84 billion to Queensland’s economy.
  • Queensland’s volunteer workforce is 3x larger than the government sector
  • 61.6% of Queenslanders report that they directly help someone.
  • 25% of volunteers contribute online or at home.
  • Community resilience is born out of strong connections through volunteering


(Volunteering Queensland 2020 Report)

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