Neighbours Aid August 2020 E News

A Goodbye and a Hello

We are delighted to welcome Grant Tracey as our new Nambour Manager. Grant has been volunteering at our Mooloolaba store for a number of years and will be greatly missed by Store Manager Jennie who is now looking for a new truck driver. Grant’s daughter Sarah has been part of our Head Office team for a number of years. Luke Zanetti is retiring after 11 years at the store, first as a volunteer and then as store manager. We will miss him but he promises to come back and help us when we open a new store in the future. Enjoy your well-earned retirement Luke.

Neighbours Aid in a COVID World

Our world in 2020 is a very different place as we navigate our way through the previously uncharted territory of COVID-19. Our head office and store managers have put Industry Level COVID-19 procedures in place to keep everyone as safe as much as we can. Our partners are all dealing with the still-in-place lockdowns and associated hardships for individuals and businesses in countries with no government support. In the Majority World with no opportunities for on line learning, children will have missed almost a year of schooling when schools are finally allowed to reopen. It is estimated that 10 million children, especially girls, will not return to school. In Africa the already overwhelming number of teen pregnancies has increased and we are caring for children as young as 10 in our teen mum’s home in Kenya. We are so grateful to be able to continue sending our support so that our partners on the ground have the means to provide food, medical care and support for the families in their communities.


















Volunteering at one of our stores. Even a few hours a week helps us keep our doors open.
Donating good quality items for sale. Our local community also benefits through repurposing your donations.
Being a conscious consumer. Choosing to shop locally and buy repurposed goods also helps our environment.
Making a financial donation.  Even a small amount makes a big difference to a person living in poverty.






Rabbi Jonathan Sacks writing about teachers. “I believe that Judaism made an extraordinarily wise decision when it made teachers its heroes and lifelong education its passion. We don’t worship power or wealth. Those things have their place but not at the top of the hierarchy of values. Power forces us. Wealth induces us. But teachers develop us. They open us to the wisdom of the ages, helping us see the world more clearly, think more deeply, argue more cogently and decide more wisely… a fine teacher helps you become great.” (Covenant and Conversation – The Book of Numbers).

Our Neighbours Aid 2019 Annual Report is now available on our website

Olive Tree Travel

At the present time travel is only a dream for all of us. You can enrich your dreams by visiting the website of the wonderful travel agent Neighbours Aid uses to see the amazing list of possibilities Steven and his staff are preparing for the time our borders open again.

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