Neighbours Aid Shining A Light, Changing the World One Life At A Time

An ancient Jewish proverb says that whenever we save one life, its as if we save the world. Working with our partners in Malawi, Kenya, India, Fiji and Israel, our goal is to change our world one life at a time. We cant help everyone but we can bring light and hope to individual lives wherever we find them. The thousands of young people benefiting from our projects are bringing change to their families, their communities and their nations.

  • Children like 14 year old Mercy, who gave birth to a baby boy this year, are able to continue their education and develop vocational skills while their babies are cared for in our teen mum’s home.
  • Over 200 poor tribal girls in Vijayawada have enrolled in our Indian Nursing College and are conducting medical clinics for poor villagers during the COVID pandemic.
  • With the COVID lockdown, our partners in Kolkata are developing a program on WhatsApp so the children from some of the city’s 3000 + slums can continue their education using a mobile device.
  • One of the girls living in the Israeli home we support for severely abused girls says, “In the first year it was very hard for me to understand and believe that the team wanted the best for me. One day I understood that I could trust them. They helped me believe I can make it even when its hard for me.”


Mother Theresa – “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you. “

Jesma O’Hara

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