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E News 29/03/2016


IMG_2526Neighbours Aid is delighted to announce a new partnership with Global Development Group and Indian NGO Cross Culture to establish a school for 100 children living in a slum in Kolkata in India’s West Bengal State. The children will receive free education, food and medical care. The slum community will benefit from medical camps and awareness seminars on health, nutrition and other topics aimed at improving their lives.

The 2001 census reported that one third of Kolkata’s population, amounting to one and a half million people, live in city slums without the basic amenities we in the west take for granted. The parents work as day labourers and domestic servants, leaving their children unsupervised, undernourished and receiving little or no education. Our new project will help break the poverty cycle and give hope for a brighter future to these children and their community.

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Fashio Parade 1The PRELOVED FASHION PARADE held for LINC Pine Rivers on Saturday 19th March, was a huge success! 80 Ladies attended and enjoyed a Devonshire tea while watching the fun models wearing our Lawnton Neighbours Aid clothing. Everyone was surprised at the quality of our clothes and accessories – prices so good!! We sold lots of clothes and bags after show. Gail, who volunteers at NACS Lawnton, did a fantastic job commentating and is a wonderful representative for both NEIGHBOURS AID and LINC.

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Suba Priya Rabindran [Justice in the Gospels – The Justice Project] – “In Matthew 5:13, Jesus addresses us as ‘salt and light’. Salt has innumerable functions: it permeates, penetrates, interacts with the medium, blends, preserves and makes food palatable. But salt must travel to be effective. It must come into contact with the medium in which it is needed. Similarly, our place as salt should not be limited to dining tables or in jars lining the shelves of our congregations. As salt we must eb shaken into the world; we must make contact with the realities of others. We must, like salt, dissolve ourselves into the “absolute, relentless, endless, habitual unfairness of the world. And it doesn’t take much salt to make a difference. Too much salt can result in a Dead Sea unable to support life…Our job is not to be caustic and abrasive; it is to be peaceful yet potent.” 

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