Neighbours Aid E News October 2021

Goodbye Lauren, Welcome Ange

Our admin assistant Lauren has left us to return to the Gold Coast with her husband and children. We will miss Lauren but we are very excited to introduce you to her replacement, Ange Jones. Ange will be happy to greet you at reception and help you with any queries.

Buy a Brick for Christmas

As we reach the end of another year and with Christmas fast approaching, we invite you to partner with us in building our school campuses in Malawi in Kenya. Our goal for 2021 is to complete the multi- purpose hall in Thyolo View Academy high school in Malawi and build two new classrooms and a science laboratory for our new junior high school in Kenya. Each brick can be purchased for $2. All donations are tax deductible (J396).

Congratulations Edward Khaoya

Congratulations to Pastor Edward Khaoya, our Neighbours Aid Kenyan Director. Edward has been awarded an honorary PhD from an international university in honour of his work on behalf of Kenya’s disadvantaged children.

“Business should be a place where the best of human creativity, collective intelligence, learning and growth come together to allow everyone on the planet to be engaged in meaningful work, have clean water, and enough to eat. That is a picture of beauty, and an expression of the kingdom and justice of God.”
-Pamela Wilhelms

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